Schoolable Pay like A.B.C (A Boss in Charge) of your school business

You probably watched the Indian movie Student of the Year, and after seeing the college Principal, you thought somewhere in your mind, “This is what a School owner ought to look like- A big boss, well taken care of”...Lol.

You didn’t think wrongly because a school owner needs to be a boss in charge of his school business, and should indeed look like one! Owning a school business can be quite tasking because you get to bear the burden of all the students, parents, teachers, and finances in your school. It can really be overbearing trying to keep track of every activity that goes on in the school, while at the same time keeping an eye on your financial recordsー after all, it’s still a business, and a school that doesn’t do well financially can’t run effectively.

For any school business to function efficiently, there must be transparency, and the school owner must be able to monitor everything concerning the business. He should be able to track the school’s finances quickly and easily without the help of his accountant, he should be aware of the number of employees and students in his school, he should be able to reach out to parents easily and quickly to follow up on school fees payments, and he should be able to manage the school’s information system conveniently. This is the dream of every school owner—to have his school business right at his fingertips— and with Schoolable pay, this is a dream come true.

Schoolable Pay is a business banking platform that not only allows school owners to make transactions online, but one that also provides every school owner the necessary tools needed to manage their finances transparently and conveniently. Imagine a business app where you get to monitor your finances (inflow and outflow), keep track of the number of employees in your school, run payroll for them without a sweat, keep track of the number of students in your school and conveniently send out invoices to their parents through Whatsapp or SMS to hasten payment of fees, and also keep track of families in your school; beautiful right?

Gone are the days when owning a school became a burden with parents owing or not paying at all, financial records getting misplaced or miscalculated, student records getting misplaced or mistaken, etc. Schoolable Pay brings your School business to a whole new world: a digital world. You can now make transactions online, manage your employees, students, and school business as a whole online. You no longer have to be in fear of human errors, which can occur during record keeping as digital technology makes it easy to manage and run any business effectively, even your school business. So, with Schoolable Pay, you can do much more than financing; you can manage your school business like ABC- A Boss in Charge!

Oh! Click here to watch the movie if you haven’t.